Sunday, February 10, 2008

Happy February

Well, as you can see, we are heavy into Star Wars. Matthew and Lucas have decided on a Star Wars theme for their birthday party. Last Friday, Derrick and I took advantage of the snow day that was called and went birthday party shopping. About $65 later, we were out of the party store, stocked with napkins, plates, stickers, banners, etc., for the parties we are having this upcoming weekend. Hey, this is what I get when I give them the options of Hot Wheels, Star Wars, or Diego for their birthday party. Whatever....

Derrick spent Thursday through Saturday redecorating their room with a Lightning McQueen/Cars theme. It looks really cool. The walls are a two tone blue, as well as we put up those "wallie" wall stickers. They look very fun! The boys sang in church today out at St. John's, and we didn't get home until after 12:30, which is unusual for us on a Sunday. We are usually home by 11 at the latest. So, today seems to be flying by. Matthew and Lucas are enjoying Noggin being broadcast 24/7 now, and I have to be more diligent about their tv time. It is so cold here today....14 degrees when we were driving home from church this morning.
This Friday the boys will be 5! My mom did such a cute job putting their faces on the Star Wars characters, and I think I am going to print them off as Thank You notes to send after the parties. Friday night we are celebrating with the Hurst side, and Sunday is with the Carfrey side. Have a great week, and Happy Valentine's Day!


Adams Clan said...

I love those pictures! We are big Star Wars fans here too. This summer we do one big themed party for all the kids and we are also planning a Star Wars theme. It sounds like tons of fun. They grow up so fast!!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Matthew and Lucas! I remember the day you called to tell us they were born. Doesn't seem like 5 years ago, but neither does seminary. Hope all are healthy in your house, take care!